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Psychological counseling

Psychological counseling offers professional psychological services to students of BUT (Brno University of Technology) who want to solve their problems or happen to be in an overwhelming situation or to those who would like to get to know themselves better and develop their personality and skills.

To arrange a consultation, please use our form below, or call us on our number 771 279 841. The phone line is manned as much as possible on weekdays between 8am and 4pm. You can find our Counselling Psychology Center at: Purkyňova Street 118, the Faculty of Chemistry building, in premises of Continuing Education and Counselling Centre, room 7.20 (7th floor) or 8.04 (8th floor) (see video below).

You can find out more about our service and how consultations can take place on this website.


If you are looking for acute crisis help, please contact the Crisis Centre at the Brno University Hospital, which provides round-the-clock psychological and psychiatric care. The Crisis Centre can be found on the premises of the Bohunice University Hospital at Jihlavská 20, pavilion G.  The Crisis Centre of the FN Brno also operates a 24-hour telephone line: 532 232 078
You can also call the Psychological First Aid Line: 116 123, which is non-stop and free of charge.


Please fill the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

We look forward to meeting you.

Psychological counseling - About service

Who are our conselors?


Name *
Surname *
Faculty *
E-mail *
Phone number *
Please leave your phone number so we can contact you in case of last-time cancellations.
Date and time of consultation *
What terms at the 1 month horizon would be the best for you - specific days and hours.
Topic *
What topic do you wish to talk about? For example: I often suffer from anxiety, i don't get along with other people, I want to work on my confidence..
I am a student of BUT *
Please confirm that you are a regular student of BUT

* All items with asterisk are required.

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